Case Studies
TigerTurf's Premier artificial cricket turf completed the newly constructed Indoor cricket practice facility, commissioned by Mt Albert Grammar. This amazing new facility was in response to a need for its cricketers to train all year round to develop the skills to become top-level cricketers. And we know that New Zealand’s future cricket heroes are amongst those practicing in this superb cricket facility.
The Mt Albert indoor cricket facility was a full-construction project by TigerTurf to provide College students with a specialised cricket practice facility on which they can develop their playing skills safely, protected from the elements.
Over the new concrete pad, we installed a 10mm rubber pad to protect the players from impact injuries; the Premier cricket turf was laid over the impact-absorbing pad, and the five-lane practice wicket looked amazing.
A huge canopy provided by Shade Systems protects the cricketers from summer sun, dust, wind, and rain, allowing the cricketers to play all year round in neutral playing conditions.
The TigerTurf Premier indoor cricket training nets was no sooner completed that it was in play. To see eager young cricketers settle into their practice routine on the superb TigerTurf training facility requested by Mt Albert Grammar was immensely rewarding for our team.
TigerTurf encourages clubs and schools to install Premier indoor cricket nets over our 10mm rubber pad so players can comfortably practise for longer spells. The rubber mat absorbs the impact of fast run-ups, for more enjoyable, less tiring practice times and reduced risk of injuries.
Perhaps most importantly, providing better practice facilities encourages enthusiastic young bowlers to develop into fine cricketers with a passion for this much-loved sport, acquiring self-discipline, respect for each other, and for the game itself.