We Love the Stunning Artificial Turf Multi-Sport area at Natone Park School
We Love the Stunning Artificial Turf Multi-Sport area at Natone Park School

Case Studies

We Love the Stunning Artificial Turf Multi-Sport area at Natone Park School

An artificial turf multi-sport playground is a bonus for any school. The cheerful all-weather TigerTurf Trophy playground we constructed for Natone Park primary school is brim-full of energetic games in glowing jewel colours. The students are having fun practicing their physical and curriculum skills.





Icon - October 2020

Date Project Completed

October 2020

Icon - 605m2



Icon - TigerTurf Trophy


TigerTurf Trophy

Icon - Existing Concrete Base


Existing Concrete Base

Firing up your Students enthusiasm for ourdoor play

Firing up your Students enthusiasm for ourdoor play

Interactive, energetic play on an artificial turf multi-sport playground produces happy students with good concentration, coordination, and confidence. The bright, stimulating TigerTurf Trophy playground at Natone Park school has certainly fired up the students’ enthusiasm for outdoor play, subtly inspiring learning through play – the best way to learn.
A fabulous upgrade to a dull concrete area

A fabulous upgrade to a dull concrete area

TigerTurf was asked to create an engaging, colourful multi-use play area featuring a number snake, two four-square games, a clearly marked netball court and basketball key in a fabulous upgrade of the existing concrete area, with its faded markings and grey surface. The students and teachers use the multi-coloured games and the playground in general for open-ended imaginative play, PE, outdoor classes, discussion groups, and drama sessions. It is also used for assemblies and meal breaks as well as for recreation and lessons.

TigerTurf Trophy

TigerTurf Trophy is a dressed surface designed for multi-sport use in schools and clubs. It is excellent for hockey* and tennis and meets the exacting standards of an FIH National category sand dressed field as well as being ITF fast paced certified. It also provides consistent performance for sports such as basketball, netball and playgrounds, as well as a brilliant multi-purpose surface suitable for general Gym use.

Natone Park School has the ultimate artificial turf multi-sport playground

We overcame some drainage problems on the existing court before preparing the concrete for the base of the superb TigerTurf Trophy surface.

One of our most popular sport and play turfs, TigerTurf Trophy is extremely durable, having been designed as a multi-sport turf for every level of ball sports and playgrounds. The bright clear colours of this all-weather, artificial turf multi-sport surface are a magnet for children of every age – in fact, the students at Natone Park Primary spend every free moment on their soft, fresh playground.

TigerTurf Trophy multi-sport surface

On Trophy’s non-abrasive, highly technical sports surface, vigorous play and sport is safer and more forgiving with fewer injuries, such as the grazes and bruises that occur on playgrounds with hard surfaces. After all, healthy play for children inevitably includes tumbles and high-impact games, therefore, a playground surface designed to accommodate these is essential. And on TigerTurf Trophy, the students at Natone Park Primary can now take risks more safely than ever.

TigerTurf Trophy is one of our top-rated artificial turf multi-sport surfaces, used for international and national sports. But the qualities that have made it popular for top level sports also make it the perfect turf for school sports and playground, being easy to maintain and clean, safe to use in all weather, with clear, bright colours that endure for years of daily use and line markings that remain as crisp as the first day of use.

World Bowls
FIH Preferred Supplier
ITF Foundation
World Rugby
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