Riverina Primary School
Riverina Primary School

Case Studies

Riverina Primary School

TigerTurf Atomic 40 installed with a TenCate Sine® Pad beneath the turf surface made it possible for Riverina Primary School to have a top performance football pitch.





Icon - 1,040m2



Icon - TigerTurf Atomic 40 and Sine pad


TigerTurf Atomic 40 and Sine pad

Icon - Dynamic base and sub-soil drains


Dynamic base and sub-soil drains

Icon - January 2016


January 2016

Wet conditions kept the school playing field closed all winter

Wet conditions kept the school playing field closed all winter

Riverina Primary School asked TigerTurf to come up with a plan to overcome the wet conditions that kept the school playing field closed all winter. The school wanted TigerTurf to install a top level football pitch just like the full-size football field we constructed at the Michaels Avenue Reserve in 2013.
TenCate Sine® shock pad promotes free drainage of turf surface

TenCate Sine® shock pad promotes free drainage of turf surface

TenCate Sine® is a multi-functional product that TigerTurf often includes as a component of our sub-base systems: it absorbs impact effectively, providing safety for players, drains water rapidly, and maintains stability. Air flows readily
through the cellular structure, cooling the surface, promoting fast drying after rain, and improving playing conditions. These components work together as a complete turf system to sustain a high performance surface despite adverse weather and site conditions.

TigerTurf Atomic 40

Atomic Pro 40 is a synthetic turf product developed for both football and hockey. Using the same ribbed surface diamond shape fibre in our other football products, Atomic Pro 40 provides the ultimate combination of advanced performance and durability. Certified FIFA Quality and FIH Multi-sport, this is an excellent choice for field turfs in schools where space is a premium.

All-weather TigerTurf football surface for all conditions

The TigerTurf team constructed a dynamic crushed rock base incorporating sub-soil drains for improved drainage, topped with the Sine® shock pad, which supports the dry, stable surface. The Atomic 40 football surface was installed to provide football and rugby teams with the characteristics of a good natural football field and the advantages of a high-performance synthetic surface.

Then we used excavated soil to build a natural seating platform so spectators have a good viewpoint from which to enjoy the games. A one-metre boundary fence was added, to retain the ball without obstructing the view.

A TigerTurf maintenance contract will keep the new football field in top condition for play in all weather, year-round. Through summer droughts and winter wetness, the students at Riverina Primary School will be playing on their splendid new football field.

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FIH Preferred Supplier
ITF Foundation
World Rugby
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