What is not to love about this new playground at Manuka School
What is not to love about this new playground at Manuka School

Case Studies

What is not to love about this new playground at Manuka School

Our benevolent TigerTurf pirates constructed a fabulous, colourful nautical synthetic turf adventure playground for the students at Manuka Primary School.





Icon - March 2021

Date Project Completed

March 2021

Icon - 480m2



Icon - TigerTurf Trophy & TigerPlay with PowerPlay Pad


TigerTurf Trophy & TigerPlay with PowerPlay Pad

Icon - Existing Asphalt Base


Existing Asphalt Base

TigerTurf's Synthetic Turf for Playgrounds inspires creative play

TigerTurf's Synthetic Turf for Playgrounds inspires creative play

The combination of the deep sea blue TigerTurf Trophy multi-use surface and soft fall TigerPlay playground surface forms a cool ocean for the best-ever pirate ship playground, courtesy of the Playground Centre. The students can invent piratical playtime adventures - climb aboard, walk the plank, and chase pirates safely, with our 45mm PowerPlay shock pad to cushion inevitable playtime falls.
Engaging Students with Colourful Games

Engaging Students with Colourful Games

Alongside the climbing ship is a treasure trove of colourful activities in a pallet of clear, bright colours to engage students.
Energetic hopscotch, inventive play on bright clear geometric shapes and alphabet tiles, an undulating bi-coloured snake, and a lot of climbing, hopping, and chasing pirates. should burn up some pent-up energy.

TigerTurf TigerPlay

TigerTurf Trophy is a dressed surface designed for multi-sport use in schools and clubs.  It is excellent for junior hockey and tennis and has FIH and ITF certifications. It also provides consistent performance for sports such as basketball, netball and playgrounds, as well as a brilliant multi-purpose surface suitable for general Gym use.

TigerTurf Trophy and TigerPlay over our PowerPlay safety shock pad

The 45 mm PowerPlay pad beneath the playing surface absorbs impact and complies with critical fall height regulations for that area.

TigerTurf Trophy and TigerPlay are durable, non-abrasive surfaces for playgrounds, safe to use in all weather.

TigerTurf Trophy and TigerPlay transformed a tired court into an adventure playground

The existing court created problems for the school as play areas were limited yet essential for curricular and recreational activities. The worn, uneven surface of the court was no longer safe for classes or play, its drab appearance failing to attract the students even if it had been suitable for use.

A fresh bright, tidy area to stimulate imaginative and active play was needed. TigerTurf all-weather Trophy and TigerPlay offer colourful, bright palettes to create dramatic, inviting play areas that engage students and inspire creative play.

TigerTurf’s durable surfaces are practical for assemblies, PE classes, group discussion times, for classroom productions, and role-playing. Comfortable and dry for lunch breaks and for fun time, the brilliant new playground invites learning through play, energetic and imaginative play.

Constructed by TigerTurf for our modern school curriculum and all-weather safety

The existing court was uneven and needed patching before we could build a new soft-fall dynamic base to support the playground. With the safety pad in place, the TigerTurf construction team laid the Trophy and TigerPlay surfaces.

Alongside the jewel-coloured games area, the pirate ship will be steady and ready for the next decade of fun and games.

World Bowls
FIH Preferred Supplier
ITF Foundation
World Rugby
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