Creating sustainable sports facilities for local authorities

Local authorities are under pressure to invest in sports facilities that provide value for money in terms of benefitting the organisation, society and the economy, but also the environment. Hence the value of a sustainable artificial sports-turf pitches is truly priceless.

John Grindrod, from the Tiger Turf research and development team, explores some of the environmental benefits of using an Ecocept construction layer when creating a new artificial turf pitch, and how it can benefit local authorities.

90% recycled materials

“Recycling is a hot topic across every industry, whether it be general waste, clothing or even sports pitches, which is why we’re proud to offer a more sustainable option when it comes to constructing a bespoke artificial surface,” he says.

“Our innovative Ecocept layer consists of over 90% recycled materials, comprising of a mixture of readily available rubber and plastic including: car tyres, consumer plastics and end-of-life artificial turf.

Cutting carbon emissions

John adds that just one Ecocept pitch can save up to 100 tonnes of waste going into landfill, which therefore cuts up to 190 tonnes of carbon emissions.

“This saving could equate to the emissions from running an average car for 22 years, and makes the equivalent carbon saving of planting 112 trees.

“On top of these environmental benefits, up to 300 haulier journeys can be saved by choosing Ecocept, which not only dramatically cuts fuel use, but also reduces disruption and makes a significant labour saving,” he says.

It is also worth noting that the innovative structure also means surfaces can be laid on brownfield sites or areas with less than ideal conditions, when it wouldn’t be possible or cost effective to reinstate a grass playing field normally.

All-encompassing solution

“We’re aware that local authorities have to jump through multiple hoops to make procurements. So, providing a solution that ticks all the boxes in terms of quality, performance, cost, safety and sustainability should make the process of choosing a playing surface much easier,” says John.

The Ecocept sports-performance construction layer sits directly below the artificial turf surface and can be tailored to the specific needs of various sports for enhanced playability but can also be used as a multi-sport facility, all depending on individual client needs.

Contact us today to talk about installing a TigerTurf pitch at your community facility.